
Search "user:BirdBrainf4"

102 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Frustration#56

@Unthinkabl3 yeah I just needed to blow off some steam. It is not something I can change, and I've just not spoken about it for years - just needed to vent about it. Hopefully soon more people will co…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#54

Guys, I keep iterating over and over...this mainly has to do with people leaving immediately after a game is over, like half a second...just to go play another game with someone else. They don't say a…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#52

@Jacob531 glad you understand sarcasm. It wasn't a good attempt at it, but you'll surely do better if I offer you a rematch 😇 Glad it doesn't bother you though. If people can invest effort to play a …

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#51

@janosopeligroso - talking was not the real point. I've said this a few times - it is opponents that leave the table immediately after a game without even a GG or anything - just to play another game.…

Game analysis - Utterly crazy game#1 I've never done this on here, so not quite sure the best way to share this. This is full of blunders, but also crazy tactical ideas. I think at the end, perhaps RxR would h…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#48

It's okay, just general frustration for years with many in the community. I am already seeing some positive discourse from players who are of like mind, and who are open to discourse at longer time in…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#46

And another - just leaves after an interesting game, in about a second. Win or lose, there's not even a goodbye or good game. People are too focused on the game and have forgotten about the common cou…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#45

Today the thesis is in full last one was a pretty good player, and we went 1-1, and on the third game I was winning and made an awful blunder. He got it and left - in half a second. Chicke…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#44

@EJAChess I'll follow you. Sounds like a plan - just promise me a rematch from time to time 😝

General Chess Discussion - Troll thread#9

@arex it was just a joke. This is a light-hearted thread. Btw can you please move it to off topic? Sorry.
