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74 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Share game without spoiling the outcome?#4

Sorry, I didn't realize that the game ended in mate. The only workaround I know of is to remove the last move:

Lichess Feedback - Share game without spoiling the outcome?#2

Just remove the game result from the pgn. For example: [White "Fischer, Robert J."] [Black "Spassky, Boris V."] [Result "1-0"] 1. e4 e5 2. f4 1-0 updated version: [White "Fischer, Robert J."] [Black "…

Lichess Feedback - correspondence chess tournament #13

Perhaps mdinnerspace came across as a bit forceful, but I agree with his/her position. The_Laminator and no_seigen both have provisional ratings here, so I don't even see how they're qualified to talk…

Lichess Feedback - correspondence chess tournament #2

I'd actually really like to see this implemented, especially in the form of a team vs team format.

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish considers Center Game to be inaccuracy#9

Using the argument that "chess is a draw" so that you can play whatever moves you want to play out of the opening is a terrible idea. Although I would agree with the stance that we should never try to…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish considers Center Game to be inaccuracy#6

@ tpr I think you underestimate the engine's ability to play the opening well. I would agree that using an opening book is stronger than letting the engine calculate the best move for itself, although…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish considers Center Game to be inaccuracy#4

@tpr If as you say "nobody knows anything for sure about openings," then how come you have the authority to label Stockfish as "weak in openings?" I disagree with your statement that 3. Qxd4 is no wea…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish considers Center Game to be inaccuracy#2

The variation with 3. Nf3 is sound, as it most likely will transpose into a Scotch. The variation with 3.Qxd4 is also sound, but just a little bit more suspicious. I wouldn't consider either an inaccu…

Game analysis - Anti London System idea#5

As a London system player myself, I would be fairly pleased to see this sideline where I could give up my bad bishop for black's good bishop, since I was 'tricked' into playing against the Dutch with …

General Chess Discussion - When the amount of time allowed in a chess game is sufficiently close to zero..#2

I have actually pondered upon this question myself, albeit relating to standard chess, and not any specific variant. I don't think there is any point where someone could say: "This time limit is where…
