
Search "user:BirdBrainf4"

102 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Troll thread#8

@ya_boy_Agent have them move it. My apologies for putting it in the wrong section - and you were off topic without a roast, BTW! 😝

General Chess Discussion - Troll thread#5

That's why I always feel like I'm playing against a machine. Dang it 😝 Here, do this - someone roast me. Heck, my name is instant roasting material...take the bait 😈

General Chess Discussion - Troll thread#1

Since people don't know what my actual thread was about, nor do they have the reading comprehension to grasp it, here is a troll thread. It seems the better way to deal with responses from here. Bring…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#42

@PawnRavager, I would dignify your response with a qualified dissertation, but I wouldn't want to detract you from your anime porn stash. No one knows who Sasha is anyway - probably just a cartoon pin…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#39

Soft and gentle? No thanks - I got a girl - don't need to hug a teenage boy. If you are looking for manlove, perhaps Grindr would be more your speed?

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#36

@SakisRouklas, thank you for a sensible response. I also expected backlash, and it is just a general recognition of experiences I have had - not just here. It is within the entire online chess communi…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#33

Unthinkable, your mom called. She said you need to straighten your room. That 6th grade homework won't get done by itself, you know.

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#31

I recently had someone write me in Arabic. I looked it up later and it was a nice phrase - not sure if it was "hello", as I cannot remember, but it was congenial. This has less to do with convo in gam…

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#29

I would explain logic to you, but I don't want to waste my time. Thanks for your unneeded responses.

General Chess Discussion - Frustration#27

I piss off the ones who I don't want to make friends with - the people who have no interest in actually rematching, or who leave a room half a second after the match is over (like the one I just playe…
