
Search "user:Bellendo"

330 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - running out the clock when losing#3

Just block them. It won't stop their behaviour, but you will never have to deal with it again. My last opponent tried to engage in inane conversation, then gave me a huge amount of time in 15 second i…

General Chess Discussion - How good is my rapid rating#15

Lichess ratings approximate to the following: 1800 + strong player 1600- 1800 average 1400-1600 nob 1200-1400 useless < 1200 useless nob

General Chess Discussion - endless pit of chess in a vast wasteland#12

Don't play 1 minute games. They are pointless. You will never learn anything. If you don't have the patience for chess, try Candy Crush, its fun.

General Chess Discussion - Rating difference between two chess sites#5

"Rapid" here means 10-15 minutes each, so a game that is slower than blitz but not slow enough to be classical "Rapid' on the other site encompasses everything from 10/0 to 60/0. It is a huge pool of …

General Chess Discussion - Do you think ego is important?#5

Ego wants to win. If you can enjoy a game that you lost, you likely don't have an ego issue. For many, the feeling of being defeated will take away from any enjoyment that they could have derived from…

General Chess Discussion - Do you think ego is important?#3

Ego is the enemy. It can prevent us from enjoying a game just because we did not win. It is the journey that matters, not the destination. Same goes for life too for that matter. I doubt that I'll eve…

General Chess Discussion - I'm on a losing streak#10

Who cares what your rating is, if you enjoyed the game? Seems to me there is WAY too much attention to the ratings, and we forget why we actually play. The ratings just mean that you get paired with s…

General Chess Discussion - How real is the rating of puzzles with respect to the ELO rating?#5

Puzzle rating means..........absolutely nothing. Unfortunately. My puzzle rating is over 2500 but I haven't beaten an 1800+ rated player at 30/20 for a long time. Hopefully I will start to play a litt…

General Chess Discussion - What is your experience with takebacks?#53

I allowed my opponent 2 takebacks in my last game, there seemed no reason not to. He showed his gratitude by allowing time to run out in a lost position. There is a word for people like this - wanker.

General Chess Discussion - To make lichess more popular#22

I don't want it to be more popular. Certainly wouldn't want it to be like that other site. Its fine as it is thx.
