
Terrorist assault/war against Israel.

> 1. During 1948, Palestine was a British land. That is, Britain did what it wanted with it. Israel has not done anything wrong for which its entire population needs to be destroyed.
I didn't read the rest but this sentence is interesting me
If you check your history books the British never colonialised middle east countries at least not in a direct way
The imposed on eygipt a protection
And for middle east countries they imposed on them there representation and control (I studied history in my native language so I am not aware of what it is called however you need to know that the British colonialism on palastine wasn't a direct colonialism but rather an indirect colonialism)
@sdkman said in #71:
> @root7001
> I didn't read the rest but this sentence is interesting me
> If you check your history books the British never colonialised middle east countries at least not in a direct way
> The imposed on eygipt a protection
> And for middle east countries they imposed on them there representation and control (I studied history in my native language so I am not aware of what it is called however you need to know that the British colonialism on palastine wasn't a direct colonialism but rather an indirect colonialism)
Direct or indirect - anyways, that land was belong to British.
@root7001 said in #72:
> Direct or indirect - anyways, that land was belong to British.
With this logic any country that was colonialism by the British shouldn't be considered a country according to you?
@sdkman said in #73:
> With this logic any country that was colonialism by the British shouldn't be considered a country according to you?
I never said that palestine is British now; I said that palestine WAS British in 1948
@sdkman said in #75:
> @root7001 so you are saying it was a country that got colonialism by the British?
I say that it wasn't independant in 1948
@root7001 said in #76:
> I say that it wasn't independant in 1948
Why twisting the English
Grammar lesson: there are 2 types of interrogation in english: some that expect a yes or no answer some other expect a full sentence to answer
I would say based on my limited English knowledge that my question is a yes or no question. Am i right Mr sudo?
@sdkman said in #77:
> Why twisting the English
> Grammar lesson: there are 2 types of interrogation in english: some that expect a yes or no answer some other expect a full sentence to answer
> I would say based on my limited English knowledge that my question is a yes or no question. Am i right Mr sudo?
Yes, It have gotten.
@sdkman said in #3:
> what you call terror*sm, i call it self defence personally because we see what Palestinians have to endure daily because of colonialism
I enjoyed our friendly chatter and you playing in the simul, so let me tell you this. This conflict is a complex one and it can be expected of no one to have the brain capacity, motivation, time to figure it all out correctly. Resulting in a broad spectrum of not sufficiently informed opinions, and that's ok. However, no matter what else might has happened, your justification of hamas massacring israeli civilians for no reason is completely intolerable.
During the Ottoman Empire that ended 1918 Jews, moslems and christians could live side by side peacefully for about 600 years. It is possible if all people accept it with respect and tolerance for each other.

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