
Can you understand sarcasm?

@Neco_Arc_Lurking said in #59:
> @Raspberry_yoghurt
> Once again: the Internet is not just "your country."
> Do as Romans do.

Yes you keep repeating what I initially wrote. I don't know why you like that.

I also don't know what you mean with "Do as Romans do." You can't tell on a username if a person is American or East European or whatever.

The places I were were Americans freaked out about jokes, I mainly just stop posting there. I feel like, I don't want to be like a boring downer-version of myself just to be able to talk to some Americans on some internet place. I just leave.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #57:

> Because when I am on sites with mostly Americans, you can have big crowds freaking angrily out about harmless jokes that I am used to just get like 2 smileys.
We americans really aren't normally so quick to take offense. its just the people who want to "empower" themselves and take offense at every single thing that isn't in their favor.
@Ifancy_potato said in #63:
> We americans really aren't normally so quick to take offense. its just the people who want to "empower" themselves and take offense at every single thing that isn't in their favor.

Yeah It can be. IRL Americans are super chill. Like "Hey buddy, how are ya? Had a good day? Great weather, doncha thing? Great to see ya"

Like champions of friendly small-talk lol
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #64:
> Yeah It can be. IRL Americans are super chill. Like "Hey buddy, how are ya? Had a good day? Great weather, doncha thing? Great to see ya"
> Like champions of friendly small-talk lol

Dawg i think that sounds old

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