
Stop with Ukraine propaganda please.

Ghost of Kiev, fake.

Snake Island deaths, fake.

Russian tank running over civilian, fake. It was a Ukrainian anti-air vehicle.

All these other videos, fake.

Keep sucking the phallus of Western propaganda.
Ghost of Kiev - internal UK question. Ill that you even raise it if you not from UK.
Russian tank running over civilian - this is clearly less important than other accidents because he survived, even if it was UK vehicle.

1) Snake Island deaths - who faked and what?

More important examples:

2) This video 0:15-0:40 was used in Russian media to prove that UK is attacking, as one of dozen excuses to start war:

This is very probably cinema, not real thing. Nobody wears helmet camera in real combat on front line. During all first week of war haven't noticed a single such helmet video.
So if this is UK fake, why would they release such video?
If this is Russian fake, all fits. A solider posing as UK solider specifically shouts something on UK language specifically when filming. Very solid.

As a result - this is one of dozens proves that Putin faked UK aggression in a week before war and than attacked UK for that fake. Insane, possibly reminds 9/11. Also that undermines Putin's news in general. You can't trust them.

3) What is this?

Well, if to look Putin's news, this happened at the point when Kharkiv was taken by Putin. You can see on Google maps that shot was from north.
First of all, that's already impossible - that means this shot was made by Putin's army after they completely captured city.

Much more reliable that Kharkiv was still under UK, but Putin's army was very close (10km) on North.
If this is fake, means UK required to do special forces operation to move almost into Putin's forces, than make a special trajectory shot so it looked like Putin's bomb.
This is already so tricky that almost impossible.

And on top of that - Kharkiv is 50% Russian, 50% UK people. Whoever did that shot is nuts and probably don't care about people on both sides.

Now, set your position on questions:
- which side released 2)
- do you agree that bomb on 3) incoming from north direction?
- who shot bomb on 3)
OK, Russia politics is bad, go to terror other Russian, but don't forget to go to work and produce bullets, weapons and other war things, to make yours right democracy businessman richer. And pay for gas and electricity, btw now the cost up by to 75%

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