
BUG - How to remove inactive students from lichess classes

I ́ ve started some lichesses classes a while ago and now some students stopped their training. I don ́ t find a way to remove these students from my classes, but would like to do so to keep a better overview of my classes. Does anybody have an idea how to do it? Theres no solution a long time now. In old discusions about this subject theres no solution yet. I have a big graveyard with innactive students and the option to remove them is not anywere. I dont want to create new class. I have 69 students and the others are inactive. I want to invite new students to play together and the limit is 100 and i cant. I hope someone to find a solution. Thanks in advance!
There's probably an option to remove them. If there isn't, DMing and asking them to leave is probably the best option until a better way is added! Otherwise, use whichever feature to remove them.
There's a "REMOVE STUDENT" button on the edit page of each student.
Its helpful, but I dont know how to do that. I am also new here.
<Comment deleted by user>
Thank you all so much for trying to help! Unfortunately it seems from the answers that I have not been clear enough. My mistake! When a class is created it has a limit of 100 students. Within the classroom, you see 5 sections: (Overview, News, Progress, edit, students). In (overview) you see your active students, while in (students) those you have removed, the inactive ones. Unfortunately, you cannot completely delete inactive students from the class. The class limit (100) includes all active and inactive players. If for example someone has 50 active players and 50 inactive ones he cannot add a new player. Easily a player enters the class but never leaves :)

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