
LiChesss Suggestion - Best Game Feature

@infinite2009 said in #10:
> I thought you meant when was the quote feature added, I misunderstood.
I meant like what??? Howw? was the quote feature added? Sorry, I should've been more specific!
@RickOShay said in #1:
> ... This could be decided obviously by a game that has no blunders or mistakes by you and is a win, but would be required to be a clean game by your opponent as well with little to no bad moves...

Games with few mistakes and blunders by both sides may very well be very boring games with lockdowned, static positions.

I'm afraid, there is no algorithm that really can tell us about the best games in any practical sense.
@sheckley666 I'm sure an algorithm could be created based on scoring a game's centipawn loss, no blunders, little to no mistakes, with some inaccuracies. Should be pretty easy actually. Another factor could be an opponents rating.

And there is nothing wrong with a locked down position. Someone had to break through eventually to produce a win so that would be the turning point.

The reason for the feature is to auto populate my best games for both myself and others. Your suggestion would be a possible solution if everyone on Lichess did this. Plus, why manually do this when it could be automated?
@RickOShay said in #14:
> The reason for the feature is to auto populate my best games for both myself and others. Your suggestion would be a possible solution if everyone on Lichess did this. Plus, why manually do this when it could be automated?
I suggested bookmark and studies. If you chose studies it will be Popular, depending on your effort! I don't see point of this feature, then making studies on your best games, bookmarks will be useless. Therefore, we dont need this feature.
Q. Plus, why manually do this when it could be automated?
A. Could you explain to me if this happens.. they'll have to delete the option to put games in studies, and bookmarks, 1 new for price of 3? That doesnt seem worth! The 3rd price will be in your profile, if you click any rapid, blitz, etc icon, it'll show that profiles stats. Then scroll down and you will find a Best rated victories section. It'll show what the topic says, if you are PROVISIONAL, it wont show until you are un provisional! Thus, this feature will BE useless

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