
Cruelty and barbarism of ruzzian soldiers

@Akbar2thegreat said in #20:

Sorry, don't understand what world you are living in if you seriously believe in what you have written.
Most russians are against putin, what a joke.
Prisoners of war being brutally tortured and killed but there is still an infinite supply of people talking about poor good russians who are against putin and blah-blah-blah. The reality is opposite.
@smert_vorogam said in #13:
> What country are you from, orc?
> You justify ruzzia's war crimes, blaming Europe and the USA for all. Everything as written by the orcs propaganda.
> We live in the 21st century, in the age of the Internet. Now there can be no excuses for such crimes, which the terrorist organization of ruzzia is committing en masse. No past crimes can justify what the orcs are doing now.

I replied with a private message from which country I am.

You’re right, those acts are ugly.
But you’re giving emphasis to hatred with your words.
@Alex_1987 said in #22:
> Prisoners of war being brutally tortured and killed but there is still an infinite supply of people talking about poor good russians who are against putin and blah-blah-blah. The reality is opposite.
Sorry to tell that you are wrong.
Actually many Russians are against Putin govt. but the government had threatened to public that if they don't agree with their President then they would be killed. And best method is mass agitation but the good Russians are feared and they need a leader like Mahatma Gandhi to oppose the government decisions.
One very important thing - most of these animal type messages come from ruzzian government fake _bots_.

It developed very sophisticated methods to manipulate people, and of of them is instinct of behaviour copy.
It exists like in every species, natural mechanism of survive. Using same methods nazi Germany was able to create same level of aggression and pathology.

How this works: a sort of poll shows top managers that aggressive and violent people are more likely to support murdering Ukrainians. Ruzzian media get an order to work on increasing violence trend in society.
Now, main TV starts to circle anything which contains blood, like real crime records.
Bots in channels start to throw in like how should be pow's gored. Starts to promote MMA fights, and so on.
And some percent of Russians bites, copies this behaviour and converts to these nazi ruzzians.

That is how and why this happens. Now, this is not about nation. People do not have good protection mechanisms against this. It happened in Germany too, same level of aggression was demonstrated by Japan soliders in WW2.

Now, what @Alex_1987 is saying is mostly completely understandable. Do not demand a reason from a person who without choice and without reason was put into that level on insanity. May be after all over, clearly not now.

With all that in mind, these are unimportant questions now. It mostly does not matter what will be with Russians (ones with two s), or even Ukrainian refugees. It is not top priority question.
Top priority is figuring out how in most efficient way to save Ukrainian soldiers. How to end this faster and in predictable way.
Very probably not all options are explored.

So wish one day we were back to competing who will do first step on Mars. Instead of trying to solve problems of prehistoric legacy of humans.
<Comment deleted by user>
It is interesting how nobody ever mention the Nazi crimes of the extremists criminals who took the power illegally in 2014 and for 8 years while bombing the east of their own country, carrying out a policy of ethnical apartheid against Russian speaking people, seeding hate in children’s school, manipulating youngsters with the fake dreams of the plastic West, have prepared for nothing else than a war confrontation with Russia with the aim to put in act a racist policy of ethnical cleansing...! But yeah Russians eat children is known!
@mimmolimmo We do not mention it because we have access to independent news from all over the free world and know most if not all of what you are spouting is your Dictator Putin's propaganda forced onto STATE CONTROLLED BROADCASTS WITHIN RUSSIA !

On one side hundreds of countries with independent news agencies. On the other side , Dictator Putin's media puppets.

The West did not believe Hitlers broadcasts either during WW2 for the same reason we don't believe what you say.
@hal9k said in #25:
> Now, what @Alex_1987 is saying is mostly completely understandable. Do not demand a reason from a person who without choice and without reason was put into that level on insanity. May be after all over, clearly not now.

No-no-no, I see what you did :) You called my statements unreasonable, claimed russians not to be responsible for their crimes (it's all state propaganda which naturally comes somewhere from outer space, right?) and separated russians to two categories (with zz and ss) once again underlining that not the whole nation should take responsibility for russian crimes. I must disagree with you on all these points.

p.s. In general I don't like this "ruZZian" spelling. It is important to remember that the war in Ukraine is on russians, normal ordinary russians like they were always.

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