
Why is this a blunder?

Why is 14. Bxc5 a blunder? I don't get it?!

Basically Qc7 gains a tempo on the white Queen while giving you initiative to attack.

By playing Bxc5 first you allowed white to trade Queens and they could have gotten a better position with b4 and then a4.
> Suddenly white's lack of development can't be punished and it's pieces are perfectly coordinated to attack your b5 pawn!
I think it’s mistake because of 14.) Qa7 was better
@emaN-drawkcaB said in #2:
> Basically Qc7 gains a tempo on the white Queen while giving you initiative to attack.

But attacking what? His queen goes to c2 and thats it? Sorry for asking again, but i still dont understand.
You should check the moves with the engine, it's not easy to visualize but basically you can take advantage of white's lack of development and create initiative attacking the f2 pawn.
> (Qc7 (keeping Queens)- Qc2- Bxc5 and if they just play a normal move like Nd2?? you have Rxd2 or Bxf2 tactics!)

Even if you don't see this sequence, Qc7 just seems like a better move instinctively if you see that all of white pieces are tangled up lacking space and that the only way for them to untangle is trading pieces.
This is why Qc7 even without the engine just seems like a natural move to keep the advantage.
I would have gone fishing pole trap instead of dxe5 ^.^
It's not really a blunder, it has just decreased your advantage. If you would have play Qc7, you would have kept the advantage. Lichess thinks that moves that decrease or finish your advantage are blunders.
Evidently the queens on the board favors black. This is a deep judgement call that is on the difficult end of the spectrum for this time control. First, its good to recognize that Bxc5 is going to be the next move, and this Qc7 move is an in-between move that assures the queen's remain in play a few more turns.

I would probably wrap my head around this by saying, "In the game I thought the position was equal. After my move, it was equal." I usually don't find an advantage unless I'm looking for it.

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