
Hamas is not using human shields as claimed

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #68:
> You really need it explained AGAIN ?
> 14 countries voted against the ceasefire. One of them are Papua new Guinea.
> You called those 14 countries Zionist, Without even knowing who they were I guess.
> My god, are we slow to day! You're replying to a post where you quote this
> Like you're quoting what I say and you still manage to not understand it!

You haven't even answered my original questions before asking yours / telling your opinion. Answer my questions honestly without making the detour: Do you condemn Israel for launching rockets on top of thousands of Palestinian civilians for any reason whatsoever for any objective whatsoever? Do you say it's wrong to be against genocide? Do you want a ceasefire or not? Can you post here the times Israel has shown any kind of kindness while treating hostages?

> No you spread hate because you accuse random countries of being Zionist.
The dude right next to you has said Zionism isn't an insulting term. I already smell your reply like "You used it as an insulting term in your last posts", does it matter? Israel has the right to have a state and a land, but they can't get a genocide to get the land.
@sdkman said in #1:
> israel tried using the human shields argument in 2014
Hamas is a big liar. Hamas says "I violate human shields." But... It's not real!
Why does Hamas don't do anything for Palestine?
It is interesting no Arab country has done anything to help ham-as
that should tell you something
@kimia_ashirley said in #72:
> Hamas is a big liar. Hamas says "I violate human shields." But... It's not real!
> Why does Hamas don't do anything for Palestine?
When you make a claim support it by proof
My proof were that idf faked before in the past videos about hamas using human shields to bomb a hospital and they turned out fake
@salmon_rushdie said in #42:
What type of Muslim stereotype you are trying to share through taking what muslims say out of context and puting them all in one picture
@justme23 said in #73:
> It is interesting no Arab country has done anything to help ham-as
> that should tell you something
they are afraid of involving with Israel, it's a shame in history of arab & Islamic nation..
@justme23 said in #73:
You asked what does this prove?
This proves how Arab countries leaders are just a bunch of shameful cowards that are looking for their own benefits over their brothers needs
That tells me how most Arab countries are "licking" usa boots for their own benefits
Although world leaders gave up on the Palestinians cause
The people did not
What does this tell you sir?
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