
Will Venezuela invade Guyana?

Now with the referendum over and with the enthusiastic support within Venezeula for the invasion, it's clear something big is going to happen.
This post isn't for people to say that they stand with Venezuela/Guyana, its for people to state their predictions for whats to come next.
I myself am unsure about what will happen. Will Venezuela invade? and why or why not do you think so?
(Just to make it clear by "invade" I mean occupy the Essequibo and annex it)
I don not think they will. They only do propaganda for interior state reasons. There is not even a road through the jungle connecting both countries.
I guess they will.

Always when some idiot to politician wants an area in another country, they will do it by military means.

How come none ever gets the idea to improve his country to the extent that that area asks to join?

Are the not intelligent enough to think this is a good idea?

Or are they smart enough to realize they are not intelligent enough to improve their country?

In neither case I am impressed? Are you?
K heres watsgoin down. Brits invented Guyana.
West essequibo gets invaded, east rebecomes Dutch Guyana. Nobody gives a shit. How about that?

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