
is playing very fast a good idea ??

Most coaches and chess masters who I have seen comment on this issue say that playing this fast at your level won't only not help your chess development but could harm it as well. In short, you will learn little from it that will transfer to slower more typical time controls, it will stunt your development in many areas, and you will likely pick up bad habits.

And even if all you care about is ultra bullet, playing slower speeds first will give you the chance to develop the knowledge and intuitions to maximize your skills in bullet.
basically you learn chess from slow to fast. That's what a teacher once said :-) you have to be able to understand the theory, tactics, etc. in order to play quickly. that's my experience.
It's like you just learned how to drive and now you want to enter the Indy 500.
@CSAIJAGRUTH said in #1:
I think you need to play chess both quickly (one minute) and long (15 minutes). A beginner should play blitz, not bullet
If you're beginner than it doesn't matter what time control you play. You need to get experience and feel for the game. Once you reach 1400, 1500 then it's time to start learning chess; reading books, watching videos and playing longer time control games.
That's what I did and it turned out fine.
@t48mozzone said in #7:
> I think you need to play chess both quickly (one minute) and long (15 minutes). A beginner should play blitz, not bullet
you can play rapid then u get to know how to move pieces and have more time to think

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