

i never cheated, except in one game. i am willing to play unrated bullet games to prove my strength.

the one game i cheated, was this one:

this criminal had betrayed me the game before, in this one:

i got my points back from this criminal, blocked and reported him immediately and he was tagged as a cheater, due to my report. He cheated in many games, not just in one. I cheated ONLY in the second game against him, to get back what he stole from me. I never cheated after. I just dont think thats fun.

Why do i get punished for taking back what belongs to me? In my country (germany) it is allowed to hit someone back in the face immediately when he does hit you in the face.

No you can't punch people in the face in Germany, and you can't cheat on lichess.
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
Yes you CAN punch someone back, it is called self-defense.

So, will i stay tagged as cheater?
Let me repeat: im real! i made all my moves on my own in all of my other games.
If you consider that it's your right to cheat as a retaliation, then yes.
Your opponent broke the rules and got punished for it. You broke the rules and got punished for it. There's really nothing to discuss here.
@slowfun it doesnt matter about the reason, you cheated in a rated game by using an engine. You did it on purpose despite knowing the rules of the site. Its a fair label imo
no. it is not retaliation. Forget my kick in the face example. That was misleading. My argument is as follows:

If he takes away my bycicle, i would also want it back. Thats not retaliation. Im proud of my high elo and i worked for it. This dude stole something of it from me by using tricks. It is fair to get them back by using the same trick and then stop playing this player.

Im fine if lichess gives me back my points, but lichess doesnt. So, in my opinion, i have to do it on my own.
Consider this: everyone faces the same (small) percentage of cheaters on lichess and their rating is a product of that.
By retaliating you are gaining an unfair rating advantage over people who respect the rules.

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