
I didn't get my rating back for losing to a cheater

<Comment deleted by user>
@sviato11 said in #1:
> I didn't get my rating back for losing to a cheater. Lichess, I used to get my rating back for losing to a cheater, but now I don’t, why?

Hmm, ask a Mod! Like @Funkmaus, she replies to messages quickly..
<Comment deleted by user>
Just read the FAQ! You're provisional, so no refund.
Please do not ping us - I wrote on my profile "Moderation questions, appeals and user support:" for a reason.
Indeed I do try to respond to all my messages but I might be busy or playing on my other accounts.
This forum is the right place to get faster help - you do not need a moderator to answer most questions.
The issue is solved - as Cedur says - and I have answered OP in private linking to
Happy ches playing and all best - I am closing this topic.

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