
Harms of Chess

Although I've created a topic about the Benefits of Chess, it's worth that we can share all the Harms of Chess, that can happen, to prevent others from taking that harms.

I'll share some:
- Waste of Time
- Mental exhaustion
- It can make some people forget about the reality.

Please, share the Harms of Chess that affected you, at some point of your life.
Being annoyed because there are so many people complaining about cheaters.
Inability to see that problems of real life can not be solved by chess rules.
For instance, no one has ever seen a pawn make 7 steps and become a queen.
its not that often that you see someone bash the board in their opponent's head (they just go SMASH n' BASH and slam the board in their opponent's head so hard. jesus, how angry could someone be to do that)
Reminds me of a b&w Russian movie, "Chess fever" if I recall. It was excellent.
Dreaming about a losing position , I can’t get out of over and over again. Just before I wake up. It’s horrible xxx

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