
Made 1800 Bullet - First time Ever!!

Guys - I finally made it to 1800 in bullet. Any tips for breaking into 1900?
Interesting. I'll try to do that. What about openings? What openings do you think most players have problems with? I think that is also important. Is the hippo a good weapon in bullet? Anyone had success with it?
Congrats! If you're looking for a (relatively) quick way to boost your rating, learn your openings really well by memorizing the general plans behind them. This way even when you're taken out of theory you can still find good plans quickly. The Hippo is a good bullet opening but only if you know how to proceed after you've developed all the minor pieces. I've found success playing the London system as white and the c6-d5 system as black just because the middlegame plans are easy to understand. It's also harder for your opponent to catch you off guard against those systems in a prepared line. It comes down to experimenting with different openings and then finding the one that matches your playing style. And as MaitreCourse said, keep playing.
Thanks @ace1886 Maybe it's time I switched my openings a bit. The London is an opening I've been meaning to learn but never been serious about it. Think I'll try it. I've been using the Nimzowitch defense for black against e4 and have been successful with it... to an extent. Maybe the London is my ticket to 1900.

Thanks for the feedback.

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