
How and why do you develop preferences?

A car can get you go far. But if a store you go to is a distance by bike and by car why do you prefer one over the other? Say it is 2 miles away. The bike you can have more control over and doesn't require fuel of any kind. The car is bulkier, doesn't fit through narrow passages, costs more to maintain, you are more likely to hurt something more severely in a crash. Do you take the slower safety of the bike one day or the faster car? Keep in mind there are no adverse conditions. No hills or any real obstructions in the town you might be in or visit. What caused you to make a choice?

Edit-you have ample time to use either method. Walking is also an option though the slowest besides crawling? lol.

Edit-2 a reason to go to the store is to see your friend the clerk there, they might get off soon and/or your favorite snack awaits. Do you take the chance it will be bought up? Your friend will leave? The car is the quickest if you fear that? What would you do about a phone call? Take a minute to call to see if something is there or have faith there will be something to buy. And someone to talk to? I suppose a preference is based off being aware of judgment calls. Now I'm the one making these posts too long. I didn't want that. It wasn't my preference yet I had to do it anyway to clarify the situations.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #10:
> According to Alfred Adler, a renowned phycologist, it's a matter of inferiority complex.
> See, our Moscow football fan, does not think he deserves a Porsche 911, so he settles for less.
> And Sigmund Freud says, this is because of his parents use to own a Lada Riva, which looks vaguely similar to a Mustang.
> Carl Jung concurs, while saying in-depth, it's because of he's subconscious, which is knowledgeable about the fact, that the Mustang GT 390 has a backseat, well suited for all types of uncomfortable making out, similar to the Lada his parents used to own.
> You see, the 1967 Mustang, unlike the original Porsche 911, which being superior on all other ways, does not have a backseat for lovemaking.
> And human nature is subconsciously focussed on reproduction.

My parents have a Peugeot from the 2000s, which works quite well.

In truth, there was a period between my childhood and adolescence when I visited a lot of technology shows and car conventions. so, on the one hand, I could look at and sometimes sit in the latest cars, and sometimes I could talk for hours with collectors and their exceptional cars. in reality, I have always been more impressed by the past than the present, because I find the present uninspiring for my artistic profession.

Frankly, between the high-pitched whistle of electric cars and the noise of a GT390 engine the choice is quickly made. there is a much more inspiring world of sound and rhythm in old cars.

why not Porsche? given my size today, I would feel bad in this kind of car. visually, it's too low and this type of car often has a reputation as a road offender's car, because most of the time, drivers of such cars do not hesitate to accelerate.

this car is not rare, is not yet old enough and you are not enjoying life with this car. the 911 is not made for a road trip to the sea, and no one will want to take a photo of a 911 because it is so banal. on the other hand, a GT 390 is heritage on the road.

Freud's style is welcome, I appreciated the diagnosis, even if among forum colleagues, we can say that we do not do real psychoanalysis but only psychoanalysis for experimental and non-profit purposes!
@Clearchesser said in #8:
> The topic asks why and how. Care to elaborate?

Actually I was mainly thinking of the modern 911carrera, but now that I think back to the old ones, it had quite an interesting racing car look, even if it's a less charismatic car than the Mustang.

Alien rather than Star Wars, because I find that in addition to the themes of this film which detaches it from the traditional framework of SF, it is an innovative film with in particular the decorations of the film by Giger. Giger was a surrealist artist and his creative world is quite interesting from an artistic point of view. unfortunately very underestimated as an artist, too often reduced to a saga.

for chess, it's mainly about the comfort of my hands. When I play bullet with White, I often use the left hand, and it is difficult to move the London bishop with the left hand. with Black, I play with the right hand, don't ask why, because I don't even think about it anymore.

tea because I'm addicted
You are not forced to do many things. So my question is not completely answered. There are things you must do. If you close one eye and look out the other you can still see. If you choose your right eye or left eye what made you pick one? I want to know how you choose that. We know why based off if you can see out of both eyes. Is the decision to one thing over the other random? What made you pick something over the other? You keep telling me why you did it.
@Clearchesser said in #14:
> You are not forced to do many things. So my question is not completely answered. There are things you must do. If you close one eye and look out the other you can still see. If you choose your right eye or left eye what made you pick one? I want to know how you choose that. We know why based off if you can see out of both eyes. Is the decision to one thing over the other random? What made you pick something over the other? You keep telling me why you did it.

so you want something more philosophical ?
@CSKA_Moscou said in #15:
> so you want something more philosophical ?

Not really. I suppose there is no definitive answer. We are entering unknown territory. What triggers preferences. There are forced reasons and unforced reasons like a game of chess. Forced and unforced moves. Where do the unforced moves come from?
My guess would be a combination of exposure and experience.
@CSKA_Moscou Regarding H.R. Giger, there was a Metal Band from Switzerland called Celtic Frost.
They asked him, if they could use his paintings for their album covers, and send him a tape of their music.
After listening to it, he said "your music, that's how I feel when I paint" (paraphrasing)
And he allowed them to use some of his artwork.
I like it when artists work together in harmony.
I will refrain from making another topic about this because I can ask this here. I did read that link.

What makes Magnus Carlsen and Stockfish at their best have preferences on moves? What makes them outplay us based on their judgment? Why is our judgment similar yet not identical?

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