
Can’t login from my desktop

Can’t login from my desktop says “Too many requests, try again later”. However I am able to access lichess account through my phone which is odd..

Will further update please respond @lichess
This has nothing to do with updates. This is due to the overloading of the servers! If too many people want to sign up at once, some can't sign up right away! That's just the way it is! No other problems?
No, definitely not the case.

1. i’m logging in not signing up
2.i’m able to access lichess, log in and out of my account from mobile. If it was a server issue I wouldn’t be able to do so.
3.I tried restarting and using vpn still the same error message.
I got the same problem.
Just try again later.
it's google chrome thing.

everything else worked i.e (mozilla, Microsoft edge, internet explorer, safari)

but chrome doesn't

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