
Against School - How public education cripples our kids, and why

@ChessMental said
> 5) The selective function. This refers not to human choice at all but to Darwin's theory of natural selection as applied to what he called "the favored races." In short, the idea is to help things along by consciously attempting to improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit - with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments - clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes. That's what all those little humiliations from first grade onward were intended to do: wash the dirt down the drain.

Much of this I (personally) believe is true but your problem is with the sweepstakes part it is the opposite. The point is too extinguish much of the population maybe some of you have heard this term tossed around "population control" hmmm sounds like the covid vax did much of that already. Look up the facts since the covid vax stillborn births and infertility have skyrocketed. All this so that a certain group of individuals can make a massive global economic empire. They have been doing this since ww2. WW2 was a necessity for them because its main purpose was too destroy the monarchies it was too usher in a age of enlightenment. That sounds like many things that I wont go deeper into but as a last thought wich demon worship in modern culture revolves around bringing light or enlightening.
@Horsdesages said in #6:
> No, but this gruesome system isn't merely redundant for kids to learn things, it's parasitic, toxic, restrictive and septic. Did I mention carcinogenic? O, and it's deeply deeply criminal.
> Organised crime, that makes the mafia look like saints.

At age 5 we could just give them a computer and tell them to learn the stuff by themselves!
@DukeGusGold said in #11:
> @ChessMental said
> Much of this I (personally) believe is true but your problem is with the sweepstakes part it is the opposite. The point is too extinguish much of the population maybe some of you have heard this term tossed around "population control" hmmm sounds like the covid vax did much of that already. Look up the facts since the covid vax stillborn births and infertility have skyrocketed. All this so that a certain group of individuals can make a massive global economic empire. They have been doing this since ww2. WW2 was a necessity for them because its main purpose was too destroy the monarchies it was too usher in a age of enlightenment. That sounds like many things that I wont go deeper into but as a last thought wich demon worship in modern culture revolves around bringing light or enlightening.

Who you think you're fooling, buddy my friend?
1. Some things are useless- why do we need to learn how the roman empire fell?? if you're going into that field, can't you learn it then? (personally I think literacy should be abolished, but shh...)
2. Yes, grades suck. "Honor programs" do what no other program does- allow kids that are skilled to feel better, which was lead to bragging, and group them together (at least in my school), which means that they're allowed to be friends through all of their years in school, unlike literally everyone else???
I never understood schools - instead of teaching you a profession, they teach you general stuff that you don't use in life. It looks like a bad institution, I don't think it's needed.

At all.
@Nisko1234 said in #16:
> I never understood schools - instead of teaching you a profession, they teach you general stuff that you don't use in life. It looks like a bad institution, I don't think it's needed.

You are taking school out of context. School is a meant to confuse you with a ton of useless information that you are supposed to memorize. School is not about education; it's about social conditioning.
@chessfan124 said in #10:
> Maybe it is good or bad, but I don't think this starting point is controversial.

From Against School article:

"But what shocks is that we should so eagerly have adopted one of the very worst aspects of Prussian culture: an educational system deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens 11 in order to render the populace "manageable.""
I think Im the youngest person over here and don't understand half the words in the paragraphs...

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