
Silman's 3 Books --- will it help me cross 2000 OTB rating

Hi Guys,

I need advice badly. Please do answer based on your experience.

Will Jeremy Silman's 3 books i.e.
1) Amateur's Mind
2) How to reassess your chess - 4th edition
3) How to reassess workbook
Helps in crossing 2000 rating Over the Board.

Thank you
Jeremy Silman is rated 2383 only i.e. merely 383 above your aim.
I would rather recommend books by grandmasters; e.g. Gary Kasparov.
What is your current OTB? It really depends what your weakpoints are.
Silman is for beginners. He covers obvious things with 1 million words, which is not wrong though but it doesn’t bring you further. The examples are not that bad but just forget the novel he is writing about every example. Find the best move, words do not help.
I haven't read a single chess book in life. I lack basic positional, strategic knowledge. So was thinking that his books would help.

Lot of people online have written that Silman's books are best to cross 1800 rating, I am finding it hard to believe.

My rating is 1137 - rapid

What about Artur Yusupov series - 9 books. They say that it is best for those who intending to cross 2000+ rating.
Yussupow books are really tough - but leaving your comfort zone is the only hard way.

And don't forget: tons of praxis. Gathering dry theory is only a small part of the way of becoming a good player.
"Jeremy Silman is rated 2383 only i.e. merely 383 above your aim.
I would rather recommend books by grandmasters; e.g. Gary Kasparov." @tpr This is horrible advice. You're incorrectly correlating a player's rating with teaching ability. Just because you know a lot about something does not mean you naturally have the pedagogical ability to teach it. Sure, if you want to memorize 20+ moves into the Najdorf, then Kasparov would be the one for the job, but I don't think that's what the OP planning to do.
If you have not read any chess book, then start with a book on endgames. Besides the practical use, it also provides strategic positional knowledge.
You are rated 1911 classical here.
@ace1886 a teacher should know much more about the subject than the pupil. Silman is for beginners. For a beginner 2383 or 2800 makes no difference, and the pedagogic ability is more important. The original poster is rated 1911 here and wants to get above 2000 over the board. Then a book by a grandmaster 2600+ is twice as efficient as a book by a master 2383.
@tpr I will admit that the only Silman book I have is the Complete Endgame Course, so I'm not qualified to talk about Silman on whether or not he is for beginners, but I found that the Complete Endgame Course went way beyond the material you would need to know to pass 2000. I'm still going to disagree with you that an IM is "weaker" at teaching someone up to 2000 than a GM. Some of the best chess books I own, and have learned a great deal from are authored by IMs.

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