
Guilty conscience

Had a close game yesterday, turned into rook + 3 pawns vs rook +2 endgame in my favour.

I was trying to play quickly as I also had a time advantage, sure enough the pressure paid and my opponent blundered a rook for a pawn, then immediately requested a takeback. I declined and played on.

Part of me thought, thats not very sporting is it, this game means nothing and now you have won it by rushed error. It would have been better to allow the takeback and keep a close game going.

The other part of me thought, fair enough, its a rated game, I was trying to induce that kind of mistake anyway and I shouldn't feel bad about it.

I can't help feeling that my ego got the better of me, would you have done the same?
No takebacks, ever. I disabled them on my profile. Some people say that takebacks are a necessary element of online chess, because you can accidentally drop a piece where you didn't mean to. I understand that argument and I think it's fair to hold it as an opinion, but I also understand that life isn't fair, so my policy is no takebacks ever.
You had two connected passers so the guy was lost anyway (and was he trying to claim that his rook hang was a mouse slip?).

You should've played your king toward the center though and not the queenside (that a-pawn was not really much of a threat). ;)
I only permit takebacks if it's an obvious misplaced piece, for example attempting to castle, and failing because the king was not dragged far enough.
Never accept a takeback in rated chess. Mouse slips are as much part of online chess as premoves, its the touch move rule of online.
and then there was Carlsen who forfeited a game during an online tournament because Ding Liren lost the previous ((won) game due to connection issues.

I guess you have to play it by ear.. I usually only give takebacks if its a very obvious mouse slip (like an failed castle) but sometimes I'm more generous. Depends on the mood and situation, but I have no regrets and no 'obligation' regarding my opponent.
I don't really agree with the "never accept takebacks" policy of some people here. I mean, I understand it of course, but I Feel different and want To share my thoughts.

For me, the goal is not To shine with a high elo online but rather To play quality chess, so most of the time if there is an interesting position that becomes completely resignable after some silly move and my opponent ask for a takeback, I'll give them and continue playing, and a fortiori if this is obviously a mouseslip.

That said, there are limits, some people use takeback offers obnoxiously and you should of course feel free To refuse.

Regarding your situation, I Feel like there is not so much To Feel guilty about, in time pressure mistakes happen and are part of the game, the move did not seem To be a mouseslip, and you're very winning anyway, so enjoy your life and play another good game ;)
I've lost countless figures due to mouse slips and they were always my mistakes. I never asked my opponent to take back my move because I would be very uncomfortable putting pressure on him on the matter. - Next game!

Of course, I don't give my opponent take backs - only every now and then in unrated games.
My opinion is you don't have to feel guilty. You made a completely valid decision.
I personally think that takebacks shouldn't be here or it should have a time limit of 0.2-0.5 secs so the opponent can't just blunder and request a takeback. I wouldn't consider you as guilty if I was your opponent or anything. It has happened to me and it's natural for my opponent to reject.

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