
Fair Play Report for Tournaments - Basic

Fair Play Report for Tournaments - Basic/"Standard Report"
(Unfortunately I am not a developer, but hope this might not be too crazy difficult)

May I suggest some form of standard report for Fair Play. It will mostly aim to make thing more transparent for the players and to create a sense of trust in the Teams.

The following columns in report might be useful (I think their can be far less columns than this initially, to get it started):

- Username of the player (and perhaps link to analyze their games)
- Rating
- Rating at the end of the event (and rating change)
- Games Played
- Number of games played in this event
- Game Moves
- Sum total of moves from all games played in this event
- Games Analysed
- Number of games analysed in this event
- Moves Analysed
- Number of moves analysed.
- Average Centi-pawn Loss
- Move Match
- Sorting - Players at the top of the table are more likely to have been getting computer assistance.
- Best Moves - The number of moves analysed in the single “best” game by this player, from this event.
- Best CPL - The Average Centi-pawn Loss of the moves in the single “best” game played by this player, during this event.
- Best MM - The Move Match % scored in the single “best” game played by this player, during this event.
Trigger Deeper

Generally I only analyse the games of players who ended towards the top of the table. Especially if they have a perfect win rate.

It will be great if their is some "standard" report generated by LiChess to show a summary of the tournament and then from their the "arbiters" can investigate further. This will also keep it in the back of player's minds. They can even see if they had a great match without even knowing it.

This type of report I can then share with the Team and they can do peer-to-peer reviews. Ultimately this can deter some cheaters.
(I work mainly with Swiss Tournaments)
I think players will then also see how much effort the Developers do to keep LiChess clean for all of us.
This might also be a sign to players that they can go analyze their games.
As they analyze the games the report will be more complete of course and players can learn from this great learning tool. Later the openings played can even displayed...
In our Club players can then prep against opponents and get to know their openings better.
Example Summary of what will be most useful:

1) Player
2) Blitz Rating
3) Games Played
4) Game Moves
5) Games Analysed
6) Moves Analysed
7) Average CPL (centi pawn loss)
8) Best CPL
9) Best Moves
10) Best Moves
11) Average MM (Best Move Match)
12) Best MM
13) Sorting "Risk"

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