
Only accept challenges from a certain amt of games.

I get a lot of challenges from players with only 10 -20 games . If I abort a lot of them I get kicked out of the lobbby and have to go sit in the corner for 15 mins. I would like to suggest an option to only accept challenges from players with say 50 + games or higher to avoid the high abort issue. For me to play a game with someone they have to be here for awhile and put in some games. Just a suggestion. Hope everyone has a great day!
You don't have to accept challenges and then abort game, you can decline them. Declining challenges shouldn't count as aborting the game.
Sorry, I misunderstood that :p There isn't a way of filtering out provisionally-rated players, for the simple reason that a lot of people would not play provisional players, and therefore the provisional players would not be able to play enough games to lose their ? mark. This would effectively stop new players from joining the site.
Dude -- you decline challenges from provisional players and get put in the corner? I guess that happens after you decline a number of them (not sure how many). Because I decline a few and that almost never happens to me.
Yes if you abort so many amount of games you get put in the corner for 15 mins from the lobby. #4 Yes that would be a good idea. Or something like don't accept challenges from players less than 50 games etc..
I got the same, "Temporarily banned from lobby games" because I abort all games started with people who use chessmachines as brain. I don't see an option when creating a game to avoid people marked with " this player uses chess computer assistance".

It doesn't seem fair that when I not want to start games with chessmachine then I get blocked ??
I was banned for 1 hour because of refusing playing engines and "humans" who don't say "hi", which is extra proof of engine. I think it is disservice to real players who really want to enjoy honest game of chess, but not playing programs which this site assigned to "entertain". If there not enough human players, lichess shouldn't impersonate countries, flags, names etc. which is pathetic way of "having fun"

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