
do you think we need to spend more time understanding ourselves?

It depends on how much time you're spending already. If the allocated time is zero, I think you could increase it.
Maybe, to a point. However, it seems to me that a great deal of society thinks too much on themselves. We’d be better off considering those around us, trying to understand them. Maybe, to a point.
We need periods of solitude to understand our nature. We also need right people to fire up the spark of life in our souls.
Don't know if this'll make any sense
But I've never let it stop me before.

Self analysis is kinda risky. It can easily turn into self criticism however an introspective approach as to your motivations and why you do the things you do may be helpful.
This may sound puerile, but life is for living. We need to spend more time understanding others for by understanding others we will understand ourselves. Self reflection is just a reflection of others which we reflect upon the reflection of others as we reflect upon their reflection of us.

Glad I could clear that up.
@nany12300 said in #1:
Somewhat, yes. But you need to work in an abstract model of your personality.

What I mean is that you have to put some rules to yourself. Like be honest with yourself at all times, which implies acting according.

The second thing you have to do is to actually understand why you behave in certain way. Figure out the model/methodology (which should be constant and predictable) on why you arrive at certain conclusions and thus your behavior. But this is really hard, you must do a lot of introspection for that, and that doesnt work if you arent honest with yourself and refuse to be accountable of your own mistakes/wrongdoings.

I know it sounds like cheap garbage, but when you understand in a logical way why you act in such a manner, you will understand yourself a lot more, and you can do better, by spotting and removing the behaviors that do not comply with the rules you set to achieve being a better person.

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