
grrrrrr continual disconnection!

WHY O WHY is this site nowadays often disconnecting while playing ????
Is it because too many 1000s of people are playing when I am ?? Or something more technical....?
I'm in the UK, so expect better.

Maybe it's time to find a MORE RELIABLE SITE to play on !!!.....
@tui1 said in #1:
> WHY O WHY is this site nowadays often disconnecting while playing ????
> Is it because too many 1000s of people are playing when I am ?? Or something more technical....?
> I'm in the UK, so expect better.
> Maybe it's time to find a MORE RELIABLE SITE to play on !!!.....

Inquire about such issues in a more formal way.
If you wish to get a proper response.

Anyway, the reason for your disconnection is nothing to do with lichess as
Shows the ping 1-2ms for server which is normal

The problem is your connection to the server
I suggest using winmtr to analyse your connection
To lichess and their you can find the problem

Remember internet connection is like roads your home is a, lichess is b and the route it takes determines your connection/arrival time

This is also why going to a different route to a different place could be perfectly fine compared to the route to lichess
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Many thanks --- appreciate your technical expertise & advice. Lichess : "Nothin' to do with me, guv..."

However, "Enquiring about such issues in a more formal way" is tedious, usually long-winded, dry & waffly, often distracting from the message --- let alone frustration.

Since you are providing free advice on decorum, I would suggest that you read some English grammar books, so that you would then get (far) more punctuation & spelling correct. This would benefit both yourself & others (both people you write to, & others you give advice to,) enormously!
On every site it's so laggy that you play bots... it's basically bots now not real humans...
@tui1 said in #3:
> Dear Sir/ Madam,
> Many thanks --- appreciate your technical expertise & advice. Lichess : "Nothin' to do with me, guv..."
> However, "Enquiring about such issues in a more formal way" is tedious, usually long-winded, dry & waffly, often distracting from the message --- let alone frustration.
> Since you are providing free advice on decorum, I would suggest that you read some English grammar books, so that you would then get (far) more punctuation & spelling correct. This would benefit both yourself & others (both people you write to, & others you give advice to,) enormously!

when i mentioned a more formal i was referring to less shouting and a more clear and concise question
not about grammar. Which I ignore the exists of online. So that i could help you etter

also forgot to mention this in my post above is you can download a tool called winmtr then put in there and analyze your connection from your pc to lichess and see where exactly is your network problems coming from tho you wont be able to do much as who ever is the problem is not likely to respond
Hmmm are you a bot , too, Ms BB?!

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