
Encouraging Israel for Peace.

@Alientcp said in #10:
> Not at all. Just saying, you have no negotiating power there. However, some strict measures have to be taken
> Thats the nature of war, you shouldnt mess with someone stronger than you.
> The arabs nation tried to destroy Israel as soon as it was born. But the conflict is of religious nature and they have been at it since the dawn of time, it didnt started this century, nor the last one. Unless the arabs accept the right of Israel to exist, the conflict cant stop. Its not up to Israel for peace terms, its up to the Arabs.

What in Heaven's name are you talking about?

Israel has every right to exist; absolutely No right to destroy another nation, take it over, push off its inhabitants, and call it its own.

What in Heaven's name are you misunderstanding here?

You live in Mexico (apparently.) If now someone invaded Mexico and pushed all inhabitants onto 5% of the land (The worst 5% in other words the least able to grow land, the hottest, the most desert-like,)

And continually fought skirmishes with you so that when you killed one of them-- they would kill twenty of your people.

What in Heaven's name about this would seem okay? And then you can say that the (God-Forbid) who did this would be forced to "defend themselves"

Nothing Israel has been doing -- Ever, -- has been self defense. 100% of it has been the destruction of another group of people.

For literally no reason than a few evil people -- Sykes, Weizmann, et al -- had done some evil work back in the earlier 20th century.

We are better than them; unless we shadow ourselves to their ghosts.

In short, stop pushing lunacy and hatred.
By you are raising issues with the Balfour declaration you make it clear that your “solution “ is the complete destruction of Israel. If that is you position there is nothing to discuss. You want to discuss eventually two state solution via a peaceful transition and the PA guaranteeing Israeli security. Then we can talk peace.
@ed01106 said in #12:

You live in America. Suppose some alien race -- again God forbid -- destroyed the places and took all Americans and put them onto 5 percent of the land; then took away their citizenship rights, killed them indiscriminately and all of this--

And any time you fought back, they kill 20 times as many people as you hurt them. You are saying that this alien race had the right to do so -- maybe because they had been their 5,000 years ago; or so they said.

All of that is insane; and that is what you are pushing when you defend what has been going on. Militant Zionism is a betrayal of Judaism.

The problem is -- the death toll is always 20 times higher; now a thousand people have been killed, -- do you want what, 20,000 people to die somehow?

If there is a devil. . . . It's what he would be telling you.
All the lunacy can always be tracked down and stopped --
Eveyy single aspect. You think another country can invade and destroy and pillage and all of this; that is what Israel has done, from start to finish.

It is a horror show and a nightmare.

It is a few evil people who did this in the early 20th century. It can be and must be stopped.
@chess2432 said in #11:
> Israel has every right to exist; absolutely No right to destroy another nation, take it over, push off its inhabitants, and call it its own.

The UN gave the territory to Israel after WW2. The displacement on Gaza was after the arabs attacked them in mass. 7-8 nation ganged up together, not to remove them from the land, but with the aim to wipe them out of the face of the earth.

>You live in Mexico (apparently.) If now someone invaded Mexico and pushed all inhabitants onto 5% of ht eland (The worst 5% in other words the least able to grow land, the hottest, the most desert-like,)
And continually fought skirmishes with you so that when you killed one of them-- they would kill twenty of your people.

But that is not what is happening there, Israel is not the perpetrator dude, they just retaliate with more force than when they are attacked.

The reason they have to create a buffer zone is exactly for attacks than the one that just happened, and if the Arabs keep getting longer range missiles, the buffer zone is gonna extend even more. They are chocking themselves.

>In short, stop pushing lunacy and hatred.

Lol, I am not. Im just stating observable facts.

Israel didnt founded itself, it was created by UN after they were systematically hunted and exterminated.
The arabs dont like Israel, they tried to destroy it after ww2, they tried to gangbang them and failed miserably.
50% of palestitians, support Hamas and their terrorist attacks. Though not all active terrorist themselves, they dont drift too far from it and they could potentially become one. The recruitment wouldnt be terribly complicated.

The solution is for Arabs to accept Israel and accept that they wont be able to kick them from there and stop terrorist attacks. They wont go away and everyone should accept that fact.
If arabs wont stop the attacks, they will keep facing disproportionate retaliation for the foreseeable future.

Thats the state of the situation.
@chess2432 said in #13:
Yes there's a devil, and not just one, whispering in your mind to make bad stuff. If someone says a defending nation killed 20x more than their attackers and claims the defending side is evil because it killed more, that someone didn't take into context that their attackers were trying to kill and torture local people. Arguing while forgeting this point is downright ridiculous. Palestine is the defending side in that case, and they should be the ones having their country attacked by Sons of Israel.
I am neither pro-Israel, nor pro-Palestine. I have only one question. Why do we have to have war in the 21st century?
@chess2432 said in #13:
> The problem is -- the death toll is always 20 times higher; now a thousand people have been killed, -- do you want what, 20,000 people to die somehow?

I don't have a specific number in mind. I do want each and every person who participated or assisted in the attack killed. That might be less than 20,000, might be more but I do want everyone responsible brought to justice.

But it sounds like you already know that Israel's response to this barbaric attack is going to make life worse for the inhabitants of Gaza. Some are going to die (maybe 20,000), others are going to lose their homes. There is going to be food shortages, there is going to be more restrictions of movement. There is going to be less space as Israel necessarily expands its security zone. Less food and supplies are going to go into Gaza as feeding those in Gaza needs to be secondary to make sure none of shipments contain smuggled rockets.

That this attack would result in severe negative consequences to the people of Gaza is easily predictable. You know nothing good and plenty of bad is going to be the end result for the people of Gaza because of this attack. As do I. As does everyone else. Including those who decided to launch the attack.

So if you believe that killing 1000 Israelis will lead to 20,000 of your own family and friends dying, why do it? It is not going to end well.

Plus a lot of people are comparing the intelligence failure to 9/11. Others are comparing it to the shock and horror of 9/11. But probably the most important comparison is world support. USA was never as loved worldwide as it was on 9/11. And Israel has never had more support than it does today. This was probably the worst PR move possible. Israel has free range to do what ever it feels necessary.
@kimia_ashirley said in #17:
> I am neither pro-Israel, nor pro-Palestine. I have only one question. Why do we have to have war in the 21st century?
Because bad people are declaring them. Because the world isn't suited to them as they like it so they declare wars to conquer other people's countries or entirely destroy them.
You are literally advocating for mass murder on a chess website. Begone. Forever.
Weizmann, Sykes and other evil people created this situation. Have a brain and resist the insanity which is proving you have an opportunity to stand up to hatred, lunacy and so forth but are resisting it.
I am done. With all of you who promote this war in any shape or form.
2000 years ago Israel lived on what is now Palestine,
Yesterday or -- two seconds ago -- historically speaking,
Weizmann Sykes Y& these evil people created this mess
(As Great Britain did in countless places, drawing arbitrary map lines; creating wars forever)

And Israel has been genociding Palestinians for many many decades,
You ignore and laugh and make fun of them while you descend into abuse, rage and lunacy.

Just for the future; do not advocate mass murder on a chess website.

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