
Best pizza topping.

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(followed by pineapple... provided it has been thoroughly cooked)
...then Mushrooms
...then Tomatoes
...then Bell-Peppers (the green-coloured ones)
...then a combination of Spinach, Garlic, Swiss-Cheese (and/or Mozzarella), Cucumbers...

...then a TON of ANCHOVIES (just kidding). Actually, Anchovies are SO salty that it will literally OVER-RIDE the taste of the whole entire pizza; for anchovies to actually work as a pizza-topping, they first need to be soaked in water for at least 30m to reduce their saltiness, but, even then, not more than ONE anchovy should be on each slice of pizza (perhaps even the whole entire pizza), although there is also an alternate to using anchovy paste THINLY layered on the pizza so as to not be so over-powering but just enough to complement the rest of the pizza-ingredients... probably...!
also like
bell peppers

ugh, gotta stop, hungry now :-)
I don't really see the need to top something that's already good enough.
Pizza Margherita is all you need.
Okay, some olives or chili peppers can also be quite nice. But don't overdo it!
But what about sliced tomatoes? Or some onions?
Well, better stop it while you still can...

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