
bad UI in traiiining-problems section

Though the mechanism for problems creation seems ingénues (bravo!) it can be quite frustrating:
a) It is not rare to find puzzles with several good moves. This makes it hard to solve the problem as sometimes you have to guess the machine solution (why for example is 3.Ra3 better than 3.Ra6+ as both wins in Sometimes the obvious solution looks so simple I’m guessing a more complicated one just to discover that the “hard” problem was just the simple I saw immediately (In, for example, 2.Rd4 was my guess as the obvious 2.Nd3+ looks too simple (both of them wins)).
b) The above is especially irritating since making a single mistake drops your rating enormously so it is hard to enjoy the problem solving!
Letting making one mistake go unpunished, or droping some point but not all of them would be a great improvment
Well, sometimes a "good" move is not as good as we thought it would be. In that first puzzle, after one completes it (the way it recomends), then white would end up in a very good position, with a rook and a queen facing no big threats. Analysing Ra6+, i think that the king could move to e5, and after rook to h6, Kf4 would create a threat of mate in one. A good thing to do when you think you've got a better or even equaly good position as the puzzle wants is to stop that puzzle and start a match against stockfish itself from that very position, try your solution and see what will happen. Although i agree with #2, once it is a training section and one should be allowed to make a mistake in a training. But i think that only one would be enough.

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